Spotlight On: FemTech Lawyer, Bethany Corbin of Nixon Gwilt Law

Spotlight On: FemTech Lawyer, Bethany Corbin of Nixon Gwilt Law

WDH had the privilege of hearing from Bethany Corbin, senior counsel of Nixon Gwilt Law. Learn what data privacy and data rights are important for women consuming health care information and technology. If you are an entrepreneur addressing important conditions in...
How the Overturning of Roe v Wade Impacts Motherhood

How the Overturning of Roe v Wade Impacts Motherhood

Considerations for Women Who Are Planning for a Family Since the Roe v Wade overturning decision passed this summer, public discourse has focused on how the new restrictions impact women who may find themselves seeking out an abortion. The new laws, however, also...
Ask Dr. Brandi Anything: Which Medical Exams Should I Get Each Year?

Ask Dr. Brandi Anything: Which Medical Exams Should I Get Each Year?

Dear Dr. Brandi – Which annual health checks should a woman in her early 40’s get? I feel like the guidelines keep changing, and I want to make sure that I am staying on top of things! This is a great and timely question! I recommend starting with your annual...
Ask Dr. Brandi Anything: Which Medical Exams Should I Get Each Year?

Ask Dr. Brandi Anything: How can I improve my chances of naturally conceiving?

Dear Dr. Brandi – I’m a 38-year-old woman, and I am thinking about getting pregnant within the next few years. I’m worried that I’ve waited too late and that it may be difficult. What can I do to help improve my odds? And what are my options if we can’t conceive...
5 Tips for Addressing Dismissive Behavior in a Healthcare Setting

5 Tips for Addressing Dismissive Behavior in a Healthcare Setting

Getting annual wellness checks is one of the most important preventive measures we can do to maintain good health. For many, however, the experience can be nerve-wrecking and that nervousness is often compounded when we feel like our concerns are not addressed during...