
  • Brandi Sinkfield

    Dr. Brandi, is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist, who was inspired by her mother, a registered nurse who graduated with a degree in information technology. Through tough love and support from her father, extended family, and friends she attended Case Western Medical School and received her M.D. She completed residency training at Cleveland Clinic and dual fellowship training at Stanford Anesthesiology in Perioperative Management and Digital Health. Growing up she experienced the lack of transparency, shame and secrecy surrounding women’s health and body confidence driving her to imagine a pathway for her own daughter and other women to access information that empowers them and inspires confidence.

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Episode 11: Navigating Digital Mental Health: Digital Apps, Digital Therapeutics and Resources

Feb 8, 2024 | Personalized Tech, Podcast


Welcome to this episode of the Women’s Digital Health podcast! Today, I want to discuss the connection between mental health and overall well-being and the urgent need for more mental health tools and resources. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 90% of respondents believe that the United States is in a mental health crisis.

Therefore, understanding the connection between mental health and overall health and exploring digital mental health apps as valuable resources for everyone, regardless of their current emotional state, is essential. In this episode, we dive into the world of digital mental health apps.

Topics include:

How digital mental health apps can promote overall mental well-being, regardless of your current mental health status
Things to consider when choosing a mental health app
How to evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of an app
Resources that can help you to choose the right mental health app for you
Evidence, Privacy, and Regulatory considerations to take into account when selecting a mental health app
Digital mental health apps can promote overall mental well-being, regardless of your current mental health status.

In future episodes, we will explore other tools in the digital mental health space, including telehealth, artificial intelligence, and more.

Resources Included in this episode:

National Suicide Prevention Line (USA) by dialing 988 on your phone or 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255).
Trevor Project (for suicide prevention and overall mental well-being of young LGBTQ lives) at or call 866-488-7386.
For anyone outside the USA, see
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
Digital Therapeutics Alliance

I aim to provide tools and resources to help individuals face life challenges and enhance their mental well-being. Whether you’re feeling great or you’re struggling with mental health issues, it’s essential to be proactive in seeking out and utilizing mental health apps.

00:00:04 – Introduction to Women’s Digital Health Podcast
00:00:42 – Season Two and New Year Updates
00:01:34 – Website Updates and User-Friendly Features
00:03:00 – Blog Categories and Personalized Health Tech
00:03:44 – Increased Engagement with Dr. Brandy
00:04:05 – Slowing Down and Diving Deeper into Topics
00:04:37 – Focus on Digital Mental Health
00:05:10 – Components of Digital Mental Health Space
00:06:03 – Resources for Immediate Mental Health Support
00:08:13 – What is Digital Health?
00:09:06 – Digital Mental Health Apps Discussion
00:09:17 – Who Are Digital Mental Health Apps For?
00:10:09 – The Right Time to Consider Mental Health Apps
00:11:13 – Demand for Mental Health Providers and Tech Solutions
00:12:05 – Approach to Picking Mental Health Apps
00:13:10 – Reflecting on Personal Mental Health Needs
00:14:13 – Digital Mental Health Apps vs. Digital Wellness Apps
00:15:06 – Google Search for Mental Health Apps
00:16:21 – Evaluating Mental Health Apps
00:17:15 – Digital Therapeutics in Mental Health
00:18:33 – Engage with Women’s Digital Health Online
00:19:05 – Digital Mental Health vs. Digital Mental Wellness Apps
00:20:50 – Evidence and Resources for Mental Health Apps
00:22:16 – Regulatory Aspects and FDA’s Role
00:23:10 – American Psychiatry Association’s App Evaluation Model
00:24:44 – American Psychological Association’s Digital Mental Health 101
00:25:06 – Privacy Concerns and HIPAA Compliance
00:26:21 – for App Evaluation
00:27:24 – Digital Therapeutics Alliance for Evidence-Based Apps
00:28:07 – Recap and Next Steps in Digital Mental Health Series
00:29:00 – Closing Remarks and Disclaimer


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The information in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.

The personal views expressed by guests on Women’s Digital Health are their own. Their inclusion here does not constitute an endorsement from Dr. Brandi, Women’s Digital Health, or associated organizations.

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  • Brandi Sinkfield

    Dr. Brandi, is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist, who was inspired by her mother, a registered nurse who graduated with a degree in information technology. Through tough love and support from her father, extended family, and friends she attended Case Western Medical School and received her M.D. She completed residency training at Cleveland Clinic and dual fellowship training at Stanford Anesthesiology in Perioperative Management and Digital Health. Growing up she experienced the lack of transparency, shame and secrecy surrounding women’s health and body confidence driving her to imagine a pathway for her own daughter and other women to access information that empowers them and inspires confidence.

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