Podcast Resource Guide Episode 4 – “Why is Healthcare So Expensive for Women?”

Jun 30, 2023 | Health Education, Podcast

During Episode 4 of the Women’s Digital Health podcast, “Why is Healthcare So Expensive for Women?” Dr. Brandi referenced a number of resources to support her overview of the healthcare costs for women in the US. We’ve compiled them below: 

Gender Wage (8:26)
The Gender Wage Gap Endures in the U.S. | Pew Research Center

Geographic Location (16:00)
Cuyahoga, Ohio | County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Menopause Transition (18:27)
Menopause transition: effects on women’s economic participation – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Women’s Digital Health Interview with Dr. Lareesa Ferdinand, The Estrogen Doctor 

Education and Enrollment (20:48)
Why the gap between men and women finishing college is growing | Pew Research Center
